@madamedefarge10: Maps to the Stars is insane. Absolutely insane. I love it. @TheNYFF
@TheWorldClass1: Saw Maps to the Stars last night. I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that. Very dark. And phenomenal acting
@EarlOfEdgecombe: Just saw new Cronenberg film @MapsToTheStars at @TheNYFF. Great film. So dark, so true. Definitely among 2014 best.
@FeistyAngel34: Maps to the Stars was brilliant! It's dark but mixed with a lot of humorous moments. I hadn't expected to laugh as much as I did@lastoneloses: Maps to the Stars is the funniest, most fucked-up film I've seen in ages. Passed a nun at bus stop after I saw it and was tempted to confess
@cinemablend: David Cronenberg's Maps To The Stars Is A Middle Finger To Hollywood@JaimeNanci: Seriously? Maps to The Stars is THE BEST film of 2014! Julianne Moore is amazing and Cronenberg is back with a vengeance
@amfan_jenny: I'm on Twitter and thought MTTS was messed up, shocking and seriously good. Great performances all around. #justsaying
@CQuickster: Thought it was a brilliant take on frenzied Narcissism. Brilliant cast esp Julianne Moore.
@KHAN2705: I really liked it. An acid trip, scathing satire, ghost drama. More than anything, I was blown by Moore's performance.
@moviedude1893: I liked it quite a bit. Cast is excellent, script is sharp. More sadness than satire. Found it more tragic than funny.@EuphorionFalls: Maps to the Stars is Cronenberg’s best film since Spider; Julianne Moore is horrifically good #NYFF@MarkNotRoss: Ok, Maps to the Stars. Best film of this and any year. Hilarious and horrific. Watch it or just stop pretending you like films.
@JamesRobertsVFX: Horrific, hilarious, insane. Cronenberg & cast are ON FIRE in #MapsToTheStars. Near flawless, ignoring one glaring VFX face palm moment
@TheFilmdog: Maps to the Stars - Cronenberg sets out lots of pieces to a crazy jigsaw puzzle without ever really putting it all together. Interesting ***@alexengquist: Wow Pattinson est vraiment génial dans ce film. Cette scène avec Moore dans la limo ouha
@alexengquist: Wow Pattinson's really great in this. The scene w/Moore in the limo damn
@alexengquist: I wish I believed in anything as much as David Cronenberg apparently believes in Robert Pattinson
@MMaffioli: "Maps To The Stars" cult masterpiece. #Cronenberg #MapsToTheStars@MatthewLong85: Highly recommend Maps to the Stars. Dark, hilarious and outstanding performances from all. @_juliannemoore deserves an Oscar nomination@JMKelly123: Absolutely fucked up that was but somehow superb. Mad masterpiece #MapsToTheStars
@DeusExCinema: Maps to the Stars: Blistering Hollywood satire loosens its grip prematurely in favour of psychological horror. Savage, glossy and very funny
@cinebean_: Strange, hypnotic and intensely dark! Hollywood as seen through the eyes of master of head-fuckery. Incest and insanity! #MapsToTheStars@artphotofilm: Saw Cronenberg's Map to the Stars tonight - fantastic acting, brilliantly executed. Chilling + melancholic, the best kind of Cronenberg film@HarryBrandrick: Maps to the Stars is outrageously brilliant.@alexandralou_: Maps to the Stars is such a mindfuck of a movie. I wanna unwatch then rewatch. Mesmerizing@leslieq: 'Maps To The Stars' is brilliantly dysfunctional and messed up. Such a good movie and Julianne Moore is a screen goddess. That's all.
@RyanPClark: #MapstotheStars was pretty great! If you have a chance to see it, absolutely do. It's crazy, dark, funny, and disturbing. Cronenberg's best since A History of Violence. #JulianneMoore deserves an Oscar nomination for sure.@grahamcraqer: "Maps to the stars" is twisted and awesome. I recommend you see it. :D@Closing_Credits: Robert Pattinson and co shine in 'Maps To The Stars'.@Oldmankrondas: Watched "Maps to the Stars" last night which was utterly fantastic. First film I've wandered out of in a daze since "Under the Skin"@the_bluebell: Cronenberg went to Holywood to make film about Holywood.'Maps to the Stars' is brilliant satiere with dysfunction & derangement aplenty #ace
@will_roberts_96: Maps to The Stars is without a doubt the best comedy, drama, thriller, satirical horror film of the year!
@alexgreenberger: Maps to the Stars est le genre de film qui ne se fait plus de nos jours: absolument dément, avec des dialogues culturels cinglants. chef-d'œuvre@MTTSFilm_blog: 'Maps to the Stars' est terminé au @NYFF Le public a vraiment réagi au film. Beaucoup d’applaudissements pour #Cronenberg #Moore #Wagner qui étaient assis au balcon.
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